
December 13, 2012

The Final Weeks

With less than four weeks left until my due date, things are going much better than the worst case scenario we thought could happen when I first found out I had a very large uterine fibroid.

I was told I was at high risk for preterm labor, but I'm now just days away from being considered full-term. I haven't felt any contractions since I was in the hospital at 22 weeks.

I was told the baby might not be able to turn, but he's been head down for several weeks now.

I was told I might need a c-section, and I admit after seeing the head/fibroid/cervix sandwich during my most recent ultrasound, I'm not sure how I'll be able to push this baby out. But based on how well these last three months have gone, I have no reason to believe the birth can't also be as normal as any other. I may need a c-section, but I still view that as a last resort rather than the only way for me to deliver.

I'm just looking forward to meeting my son, no matter how and when he comes into the world. There are still a few things I need to do, like pack my hospital bag, but I think I'm about as ready for motherhood as I ever could be.

For now, we're just doing our best to enjoy these last few weeks before life gets a little crazier.