

I'm Amanda - wife, Christian, graphic designer, and in case the blog name inspired by Star Trek didn't give it away, I'm also a bit of a nerd. I'm married to Nathan, have a one-year-old son named Evan, and two dogs, Adyn and Nenya.

I met my husband Nathan in 2008 through an online dating site. I was really just looking for a few laughs when I signed up for the site and certainly not a husband, but I ended up finding a great guy who definitely makes me laugh. I decided Nathan wasn't a serial killer and met him in person 3 weeks after he sent me the first message.

We got engaged after dating a little over a year and married in June 2010. I originally started this blog early in 2010 as a wedding planning blog early in called Wedding Trek. You can go here to read about my planning or go here to read about our wedding and reception.

Marriage is a lot of fun, even though we both still have a lot of learning to do. I did my best to give a realistic view of what our Newlywed Trek was like, writing about all our fun adventures and trips as well as the challenges we face. I blog about dealing with the differences between us, learning how to cook, and my quest to keep our home clean.

I began my Pregnancy Trek in April 2012, and the Parenting Trek began when we welcomed our first son in January 2013. After trying to do the working mom thing, I ended up leaving my job to stay home with Evan. I now run a freelance graphic design business called Core Spring Design.  

Two of my other favorite things to blog about are saving money and our road to financial peace. We went through Financial Peace University early in our marriage, and we're big fans of Dave Ramsey and the concepts he teaches.

While I do most of the writing here (Nathan has written one post so far), this blog is still a joint effort. Nathan proofreads and approves nearly every post before I hit the publish button. Man bashing is one of my pet peeves, and I want to make sure that never happens here, even unintentionally. If I ever sound like I'm making fun of him, he's laughing too.

I hope you'll enjoy reading about our journey!