
July 23, 2010

Honeymooning Part 3: Meatballs, Golf Balls, and Eyeballs

We started out Tuesday by visiting the amusement park known as IKEA and ended up buying a few small things that we couldn't live without.

And of course we also spent some time dreaming about some larger things for which we have neither the money nor space right now, like this work space that's big enough for both of us.

I was pleasantly surprised by how good the food was in the IKEA cafeteria. I wasn't expecting much, but I wanted to try the Sweedish meatballs, and the chicken fingers and chocolate cake caught Nathan's eye. It was all really great; even the french fries were much better than those of most fast food restaurants.



Down the road from IKEA is a miniature golf course called Golf Mountain. It was the first time we had done miniature golf together, and Nathan turned out to be kind of a mini golf master.

"I am king of golf mountain!"

"Why am I so bad at this?"

But clearly we were both winners.

Our final stop for the day was Jungle Jim's International Market, where you can buy any kind of food you could possibly want! well as some that I definitely don't want!

Here's what we ended up with in our shopping cart. I was most excited about finding Bourbon cremes, a British biscuit (or cookie) that I haven't been able to find those anywhere in the States since my trip four years ago. I also got Black Currant Ribena (a British drink). Nathan wanted to try 3 imported cheeses along with alligator, elk, ostrich, and lamb. We haven't had the elk yet, but the ostrich was my favorite of the other three by far. It has a beefy taste but it's leaner than chicken (and that's not just how they market it either - we put it on the Foreman and not a drop of grease came out!). We also picked up raspberries, a bird feeder, and some peanut "mutter" treats for Nenya.

It was definitely a fun and tasty day!

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