
December 6, 2010

In Sickness

This past week has been pretty rough. I started feeling sick last Monday - sore throat, fever, congestion, all that fun stuff. I'll start to feel better, then get worse again. Over the weekend, I decided to try that "resting" thing Nathan kept telling me to do. I was definitely in good hands; I got a breakfast in bed of oatmeal and hot chocolate on Saturday and a nice hot bath in the afternoon. Nathan also took care of the chores I'd been neglecting, including two loads of dishes and four loads of laundry. My menu plan has been revised and pretty much abandoned for the time being. Instead of the special dinner I had planned to make as part of our date night Saturday night, we ended up eating Lean Pockets! Thankfully, Nathan didn't mind this at all. I'm still not feeling all that well, but I am feeling very loved by my husband.


  1. Oh no hope your feeling better soon. So glad you have such a good hubby to step in when your feeling bad.

  2. When you're feeling better...can you send nathan over to our house? lol.

    Nice to meet you, I'm new here. Married nearly 22 yrs and still happy! I'll enjoy following your blog.


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