
May 29, 2011

Nathan's Wedding Gift

A year ago, when we were planning our wedding, Nathan got the idea that instead of having a limo pick us up from the wedding reception, we should have a helicopter. He wanted this to be a surprise for me, but once he decided it would probably be a little too expensive, he told me about his idea. 

Not long after he told me this, there just so happened to be a Groupon for an introductory helicopter flight lesson. Up until that point, I wasn't sure whether or not to buy Nathan a wedding gift. Sure the sales ladies at Jared insisted that I had to buy him a watch since "It's tradition!" but Nathan was happy with the Walmart digital watch he had. 

Flying a helicopter on the other hand? That's something he could enjoy. So, although we left the wedding reception in our own car, later that night I told Nathan that he would get to fly a helicopter. I really thought he would have his lesson last summer, but somehow we just never got around to it. Finally, two weeks before the Groupon expired, Nathan flew a helicopter!

First, the flight instructor showed him and another student all the controls. The two other students there that morning were also using Groupons, so Nathan wasn't the only one to wait until the last minute.

Then he went inside the tent classroom for his ground training.

...while I sat and watched the birds. The metropolitan airport is probably one of the quietest places in the city when there are no helicopters or planes taking off - just the sounds of red-winged blackbirds, mockingbirds, and killdeer.

And then it was Nathan's turn to fly!

A few more instructions

A little bit of hovering

And he was off!

I wish I could have seen the view he had of the city up there. He even flew over our apartment and saw my car on the ground.

Still smiling after his flight 

 Yep, I'd say it was a lot more fun than a fancy watch!

Linked at Try New Adventures Thursday at Alicia's Homemaking.


  1. That looks like something he would enjoy. How creative and fun! :)

  2. Awesome! So great that you did your own thing instead of just going along with what everyone else does!

  3. That ROCKS! My hubby wants to learn how to fly an airplane. He rode in several helicopters during his military tour in Iraq (but has never flown one).

  4. How fun! Definitely better than a watch. A lady at my church just got her hubby flying lessons too. It's for a plane, and he said he was so busy listening to the tower's comments he couldn't enjoy the view. But he does have 2 more lessons. What a fun adventure!

  5. That is awesome! I think that is WAY better than a watch. :) What a thoughtful and sweet gift. I've always wanted to fly a helicopter.

  6. Holy cow that is the BEST gift ever! I have seen something similar come up on Groupon in Seattle but figured there was no way it involved actual flying. I might need to read the fine print better and purchase if it comes up again.

  7. My little brother would be in heaven! He wants to be a fighter pilot, and it terrifies our mother to no end.


Let me know your thoughts on this. I love reading all my comments!