
August 7, 2011

Guest Posting on Life Blessons

I'm guest posting at Life Blessons as part of a Secrets of a Newlywed series. Carmen is one of my favorite bloggers, so it's an honor to be able to have a post there. If you're a newlywed or yet to be married, you should check out the other posts in the series as well as the rest of her blog.


  1. Thanks for sharing your post for this series; I really appreciate it and know other women will, too!

  2. Amanda- stopping by from "LifeBlessons." I LOVE that you had your dog in your wedding! :) How adorable. I'm really interested in your finance posts- I'll be sure to read up on those ASAP- my husband and I think very highly of Dave Ramsey as well. Can't wait to read more of your thoughts!

  3. Carmen - Thanks for the opportunity to share with your readers!

    Holly - Thanks for stopping by!


Let me know your thoughts on this. I love reading all my comments!