
August 26, 2011

The Home of My Our Dreams

I used to love watching the design shows on HGTV. I would look at all the beautiful remodels and think about how beautiful my own home would be. I've also collected a lot of images of home decor from design blogs and Pinterest.

It's fun to dream about the perfect bathroom...

Or the ultimate kitchen...

But the thing I didn't realize before I was married? It isn't just up to me what my home looks like. It turns out some men actually have opinions about the way their homes are decorated


A man might hang up a fuzzy stocking poster in the bedroom because he made it in his college graphic design class and he's proud of it. And if his wife asks why it has to be on display in the bedroom, he may respond, "Where else should we put it?"

Or, a husband may wonder why his wife thinks a "random jar" qualifies as a decorative item - a beautiful, antique Ball jar that many women would love to have for all sorts of decorative purposes!

No, this isn't just my home. This is our home. A home where two opinions of what is and isn't beautiful clash and sometimes compromise. A home where a dog thinks tennis balls and stuffed hedgehogs belong in the kitchen. And one day, we'll have kids adding their own personalities and styles.
The year I had an apartment all to myself, I could decorate however I wanted. I could hang up my French posters and display my Ball jar without being questioned. But I'd rather come home to a husband and a dog than a lonely apartment decorated my way. While I may not love all of my husband's things, I love him enough that I can at least tolerate them. 

Home is really all about the people. It's about what you do in the home. Forget the little things you don't like about where you live and just focus on living!



  1. Perhaps vision building for decorating your home will be "easier" (whatever that means) when you can do it together (i.e. when you move). Moving in at the same time has been a huge blessing for us, because then it's not either of our "territories" when the other moves in. For now, you definitely have the right perspective - the decor shouldn't define the home.

    Contentment and joy in the present, visions for the future. :)

  2. @Kayla
    Yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to moving since I know it will help a little. But moving isn't going to make Nathan any less opinionated or stubborn. :)

  3. This post was a nice reminder for me! I tend to think that it is MY house and should be decorated how I want it! I agree, I would rather come home to ratty decorated house with my husband than to come home alone :)

  4. Our last bedroom was decorated with... airplanes and maps :D. And our dining room had some lovely machetes and spears hung an a drop in the ceiling. We did take those down because they freaked people out. Thanks for the reminder in this.

    I just found out today that the pilot headset was not hanging on the hooks by the door because Mark kept forgetting to take them to work, but because they looked cool. I'm hoping to decorate the bedroom here in sort of a jungle/wild garden theme because both Mark and I like the idea. Plus spears and machettes would look cool in that.

  5. @Debra Worth That's funny about the headset! It's good you found a decorating idea you both like.


Let me know your thoughts on this. I love reading all my comments!