
August 19, 2011

Meeting Money Saving Mom

Last night I got to meet one of my favorite bloggers: Crystal Paine, the Money Saving Mom!

Crystal in the light green shirt under the Starbucks sign, me in the blue shirt in front,
other awesome ladies all around whom I will not try to name. (Photo from Money Saving Mom)

Crystal was in town for a conference with a friend, so eight of her local blog readers got together for an informal meet-up. I've been reading Money Saving Mom for about a year now, so this was exciting for me. Thanks mostly to tips I've learned from Crystal's blog, the amount I spend on groceries for Nathan and myself each month is the same as I spent for just me when I was single. And she has over 134,000 Facebook fans, so she's kind of a big deal. Some of the women drove over an hour just to have coffee with her!

After meeting Crystal in person, it's clear that she doesn't think of herself as a big deal. She greeted all of us with a hug and was happy to meet us. She seems to genuinely enjoy helping and educating others, without even the tiniest bit of a know-it-all attitude. 

It was great meeting all these wonderful women and chatting about our frugal adventures. I found out I'm definitely not the only one lamenting that we don't have a Rite-Aid around here to take advantage of their great deals, despite the fact that we have about every other store! I was the only non-mom in the group, so I got to hear what shopping and couponing with kids is like. It was a lot of fun and I wish we'd had more time together.

Have you ever met any of your favorite bloggers/celebrities in person? Who would you most like to meet?


  1. I finally got to meet you! :D But that only sort of counts... We didn't get to sit and chat or have coffee together! ;)
    Otherwise, no. I follow Money Saving Mom, too, as well as one from Michigan, Texas, and California. I don't think I'll be meeting any of those any time soon.

  2. Meeting you and Debra was pretty exciting though, and especially Christopher since I'd seen so many pictures of him that he was like a little celebrity to me. Funny how blogs can do that.

    Crystal lives in 3 states away, so you never know!

  3. It was great to meet you Amanda! Enjoying your blog!

  4. Hey, thanks for linking up the giveaway. I got some good feed from it! I've met two people I had previously only known as bloggers. You, which was really cool and then I met a lady who I knew blogged in Wichita at Church. I want over to meet her and she asked "do you blog? and do you follow my blog?" it was weird, but cool.

  5. This sounds so much fun! I wish I lived closer! She has a wonderful blog (as do you!)

  6. Money saving moms?! This is a crew I know I would love to hang with! Looks like a great time.:)

  7. The Chick - Great meeting you too!

    Debra - That would be a fun experience. I'm happy to send you the traffic!

    The rookie years - Thanks! Crystal lives 3 states away, so I didn't expect to ever meet her either.

    Tina - It was lots of fun!


Let me know your thoughts on this. I love reading all my comments!