
January 27, 2012

12 to Tackle in 2012

For 2011, the goals I set were really habits that I wanted to develop and sustain. This year, my goals are much more measurable. They're "bucket list" type items that I can check off (although some I hope to do more than once).  I started making a list a couple months ago, and I've finally decided on the 12 things I most want to accomplish.

Financial Goal (a.k.a. the BHAG)
1. Pay off half the student loans
This is by far the most ambitious goal, but we're now at the point where this is our only focus financially. A financial adviser Nathan met with even said we shouldn't worry about investing now since we can pay off the loans so quickly.

Business/Career Goals
2. Update my physical portfolio (I haven't touched it since I started my job 2.5 years ago.)
3. Create an online portfolio
4. Decide on a freelance business name and create a business website
5. Complete at least one paid freelance job (That extra money has to come from somewhere!)

Homemaking Goals
6. Bake with yeast
7. Switch to using homemade or natural cleaning supplies
8. Decorate our bedroom (Mainly putting something above our headboard)

Personal Goals
9. Complete a 5K race
10. Figure out my blog purpose (I started this as a wedding blog. What is it now?)
11. Make something with a sewing machine (I haven't used one since 8th grade)
12. Visit a place I've never been before (if not a new state, at least a new part of a state)

What do you hope to achieve this year?

1 comment:

  1. Very cool. I think all of those are measurable and attainable - two key things when it comes to making goals. Looking forward to seeing you achieve them this year!


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