
January 12, 2012

Review: The Money Saving Mom's Budget

With all the books and blogs out there about financial management and saving money, it’s difficult to know which ones are worth reading. When I first started trying to figure out couponing in the spring of 2010, I was reading at least six blogs on the topic. It wasn’t long before I’d unsubscribed from all of them except for one local blog and Money Saving Mom, written by blogger Crystal Paine. What set this blog apart? I began reading during the middle of a series on how Crystal and her husband paid cash for their first home. And she wasn’t even 30 yet! She knows her stuff.

I was excited to read Crystal’s book The Money Saving Mom’s Budget, and even more excited to have the privilege of receiving an advance copy. By the end of the first chapter, I knew I would not be disappointed. This isn’t just a book of money saving tips that you’ve already heard; it’s a book that helps you discover what you want to achieve and then shows you the steps you can take to achieve it. At first glance, the second chapter, “Streamline Your Life and Cut the Clutter,” isn’t even about money at all, but it’s possibly the most important one.

Although some of the concepts will seem a little basic to those who are a little more financially stable, such as the “secret formula” of creating a budget and saving $60 a year, unless you have met all the financial goals you ever hope to achieve, you will learn something from this book. My husband and I have had a written budget since the beginning of our marriage, but I still enjoyed reading through the chapter on budgeting since our system is far from perfect. And if you’re worried this book will tell you that you have to live on beans and rice and never have any fun until you’ve achieved your financial goals, you will be happy to see chapter eight: “Going out on the Town Without Going Broke.” It’s a book for real people.

What I love most is that Crystal shares this wealth of information in a way that is like a friend cheering you on, leaving you inspired rather than discouraged. Most of the time when a book I’m reading gives some “exercise” to do, I brush it off and just keep reading. But when Crystal talks about setting financial goals, I actually thought about what financial goal we could achieve in the next six months to a year. There’s a lot of passion in this book.

Crystal Paine’s passion for helping others is truly evident in her reason for publishing this book. While originally hesitant to accept the book deal, she realized what an impact it could have if she gave all the proceeds away. And that’s what she is doing: all of her proceeds will support Compassion International. When you buy a copy of The Money Saving Mom’s Budget, you will be giving money to a Child Survival Program in the Dominican Republic that offers life-saving health and medical care to expectant moms, young moms, and at-risk babies and young children.

Want to win a copy of The Money Saving Mom's Budget? Just leave a comment!

For additional entries (leave a separate comment for each entry):
1. Like Newlywed Trek on Facebook and leave a comment telling me you liked the page.
2. Follow Newlywed Trek on Twitter and leave a comment telling me you followed.

Be sure to leave a link to your blog or your e-mail address so I can contact you!

The giveaway will end January 18, 2012. Winner will be announced January 19.


  1. Loved your review and where the money is going!

  2. I like you on fb.

    elisasmami at gmail dot com

  3. Also following you on twitter.

    elisasmami at gmail dot com

  4. Loved your book review! I follow Money Savin Mom on twitter & she has some amazing advice, it doesn't surprise me that there's enough to fill a book!
    Ps my bday is on Jan 22, what a great gift this would make!

  5. I'd love a copy of Crystal's new book!

  6. I'd love to win a copy, thanks for the opportunity!

  7. I like you on Facebook! (with my real name- Erika B)

  8. Looking forward to reading this book (whether I win it here or not). :)

  9. Thanks for a great giveaway! I would love to win a copy of this book!

  10. I would love to win this book. I can't wait to read it!

  11. Please enter me! This is on my reading list for this year.

  12. sorry I forgot my email!

  13. Whoops, forgot to include my email. Its Thanks!

  14. I want to win the book!!!

  15. I would love a chance to win a copy!
    bonjorsyn (at) aol (dot) com

  16. I'd love to win!
    saristrawberry7 at gmail dot com

  17. Liked you on FB - Sari Berry
    saristrawberry7 at gmail dot com

  18. Following you on Twitter - @saristrawberry7
    saristrawberry7 at gmail dot com

  19. What a great giveaway! I love Crystal, too! joyfullythriving (at) gmail


    thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  21. Sounds like a useful book

  22. I would love to win :)
    Megmescall at gmail dot com

    1. I follow you on twitter.
      Megmescall at gmail dot com
