
August 20, 2012

Boy or girl? The Old Wives' Tale Predictions

Who's in there?

By the time most of you read this, we will already be done with our 20 week ultrasound and have a much more accurate prediction of our baby's gender. But just for fun, I thought I'd look at some of the old wives' tales for predicting gender and see which way they lean.

  1. Carrying high with weight all over means girl. Carrying low in the front means boy. Boy
  2. Heartbeat above 140 is a girl. Below 140 is a boy. Tossup. (181, 162, 135)
  3. Sweet cravings mean girl. Sour cravings mean boy. Boy
  4. If you have acne while pregnant, it’s a girl. Girl
  5. The Chinese Gender Chart is based on how old the mother is at conception and the month that she conceived. Boy
  6. The Mayan tale adds the mother's age at conception and the year of conception. If the result is a even number it's a girl.  If the result is an odd number then it's boy. Boy
  7. If you are having headaches, it's a boy. Boy
  8. If the husband gains weight during the pregnancy, it's a girl. Girl
  9. Severe morning sickness means you're having a girl. Boy
  10. It's a boy if the hair on your legs grows faster. Girl
Hmmm...noticing a trend?

There are 3 boys and 1 girl in Nathan's family, his dad is one of 4 boys, and his brother has 2 boys. Since it's the husband who determines gender, that may mean we're more likely to have sons. However, I also read that gender is not at all genetic and one gender running in families is purely coincidental. 

I've never thought this baby was a girl, just based on intuition. I've been saying "he" most of the time. The thing is, this baby has surprised me from the start. I never would have guessed that the same week I had to pry a stray pit bull's jaws off the neck of my puppy, deal with a leaking water heater, and be matron of honor in a wedding, I would also end up conceiving my first child. It's very possible that I'm in for another surprise when I find out this baby's gender.


  1. I love these. Addilece followed about half right and half wrong. Boys run 3 or 4 generations deep in Tony's family. Both he and his brother had girls first. I think it's so fun to do these things. God is awesome how he makes us huh?

    1. Yes, boy or girl, this baby is already amazing!

  2. These are so much fun! Are you guys going to share the gender, or keep it just between the two of you? I've known some couples that share once they've found out and some who don't - either way VERY exciting!

    1. Oh we're sharing! So did these couples not even tell their families? How is that possible?

    2. Nope, they just kept it between the two of them...I have NO idea how they did it, I would have spilled the beans immediately :)

  3. I think it's all old wives tales. Until our 20 week ultrasound, I thought I was having a boy. Well, she's all girl. And I wouldn't base it off husband's family. my husband comes from a family of all boys and we have a baby girl

    1. Yep, they all just have a 50/50 chance of being right, no matter what anyone says. Part of the reason I decided to find out the gender was that I didn't want to go the whole pregnancy thinking I was having a boy only to be wrong.

  4. Aw, you look adorable! Can't wait to hear if it's a boy or a girl! I have a old wives' tale post coming up this week too - great minds think alike, ha, ha! :-)

    1. I'll probably have a new blog post up tomorrow, but if you want a sneak peek of the gender, check my Twitter photos. :-)

      Your poll on your blog is interesting so far! Clearly your readers want you to have one of each, but I'm sure brothers would be fun too.


Let me know your thoughts on this. I love reading all my comments!