
January 1, 2014

New Year, New Goals

At the beginning of 2012 I set 12 goals to achieve. However, succeeding in my unwritten goal of getting pregnant kind of derailed my progress on most of them. It also prevented me from setting any new goals for 2013 since a year ago I knew I could have a baby at any moment. It was difficult to focus on any other plans at that point. However, I never completely lost sight of my 2012 goals.

Here's a look at what I've achieved over the past 2 years:

Financial Goal (a.k.a. the BHAG)
1. Pay off half the student loans   We've now paid off about 85%.

Business/Career Goals
2. Update my physical portfolio This hasn't happened, but it hasn't really been needed. This was a goal when I wasn't sure if I'd be seeking a new job or going full-time freelance.
3. Create an online portfolio It's not perfect, but it does exist. As with #2, this was more of a focus for job seeking.
4. Decide on a freelance business name and create a business website Core Spring Design is very much a business now! 
5. Complete at least one paid freelance job I had 4 clients in 2013 and am working on a retainer for one of them.

Homemaking Goals
6. Bake with yeast I made homemade pizza. It wasn't great. I'd like to try bread.
7. Switch to using homemade or natural cleaning supplies This has mostly happened, but I'm not sure I like the baking soda and vinegar route. I need to look into other options.
8. Decorate our bedroom This never happened in the two years we lived at our last house, and we moved to a new place at the end of 2013! Maybe this bedroom will look more put together.

Personal Goals
9. Complete a 5K race I ran a race 11/16/2013 in 42:43.
10. Figure out my blog purpose I basically decided to not take blogging too seriously. I still want to write about life, but my focus is more on my design work.
11. Make something with a sewing machine I haven't decided on anything I want to make that's really beginner level. I did use a needle and thread though.
12. Visit a place I've never been before (new state or new part of a state) I haven't been to any new states in the last two years. In fact, other than visiting Nathan's parents just across the border, I haven't even left the state.

For 2014, I want to set goals that more closely relate to my priorities. Making homemade pizza doesn't really help me get where I want to go in life. 

This is what I want to achieve this year:

1. Go on one child free date with Nathan each month.

2. Get out of the house with Evan at least once a week.
3. Read to Evan daily.

4. Get out of bed by 7:00 each morning.
5. Walk (preferably run!) Adyn every morning.
6. Read the entire Bible.

7. Create a weekly cleaning schedule and follow it.

8. Become completely debt free while maintaining an emergency fund of at least 3 months' expenses.

9. Make double the income I did in 2012.
10. Design 3 portfolio-worthy logos. 


  1. Hurray! Those look like awesome 2014 goals. :) Looking forward to cheering you on this year.

  2. Paid 85% of your loans, created a website for your business, completed a 5k run, and so on – the past two years of your life have definitely been very productive. Your hard work paid off. And regarding to your ‘double the income’ goals, try other social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. It will not increase your income but doubling your audience always means more potential customers to come.

    Mike @


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