
May 28, 2012

Life with a Puppy

Wondering how the impulse buy we made a couple weeks ago is doing?

He's fit in quite nicely for the most part. I think Nenya does actually like him.

She's still top dog around here.

This is my first puppy, so it's been an interesting experience with a roller coaster of emotions.

It's easy to be happy with your dog when he's being adorable sleeping on the love seat.

But when he's tearing up the love seat?

Sigh...that's a little more difficult to deal with. But I still love him.

We've had him eight weeks, and I've been doing training with him daily for the past six weeks. He's doing great at sit, lay down, stay, roll over, and has even mastered shaking. He's smart but super stubborn, so it's been a lesson in patience. He seems to be learning what's his and leaving our stuff alone, but we won't be leaving him in the house unsupervised for a few hours again any time soon. Although Adyn doesn't seem to have had any obedience training with his previous owners, one bonus is that he's completely house broken. We haven't had any accidents yet!

It was a little crazy in the beginning, but having two dogs has been good for all of us. I do think two dogs is my limit though!


  1. Adyn is so cute! I hope he and Nenya become fast friends :) Getting a second dog was the best thing we ever did for our first dog - they love each other so much! Good luck getting through the puppy stage (eek! poor love seat!).

    1. Nenya has been initiating play, so I think she's catching on that this isn't such a bad thing. Fortunately the love seat has been the worst of it so far, and since Nathan bought the couch, love seat, and two end tables all for $200 three years ago, it's not a huge loss.


Let me know your thoughts on this. I love reading all my comments!