I can't believe it's new Year's Eve, not only because of how fast this year has flown by but because of how warm it's been today. Nathan, Nenya, and I took an hour and a half walk today. Nathan cooked us an amazing dinner tonight of sirloin steak (my employer sent Omaha Steaks for Christmas) and potatoes. It's been a great last day of 2010.
We've had quite a year.

At the beginning of 2010, I was newly engaged and started some serious wedding planning.
Early in January, Nathan moved closer to me and started a new job.
On February 14, I lost my grandmother
We got married the first Saturday in summer.
We took our first vacation together.
We struggled to make Nathan's apartment a home for both of us.

I tried to learn how to cook, and got a little too ambitious at times.

I tried to learn how to cook, and got a little too ambitious at times.
About a month into our marriage, Nathan lost his job.
In August, he found a better job than the one he'd had.
We started Financial Peace University in September.

We decorated our first Christmas tree together.
My cousin got engaged, and I got to try on bridesmaid's dresses for the first time.
I'm looking forward to all the new adventures 2011 will bring for us!
Thanks to all of you who have read this blog during its first year. Improving the content of my posts and the frequency of my posting are both goals for 2011, so I hope you'll keep reading!
I'm looking forward to all the new adventures 2011 will bring for us!
Thanks to all of you who have read this blog during its first year. Improving the content of my posts and the frequency of my posting are both goals for 2011, so I hope you'll keep reading!